Penis enlargement with soda at home is done in different ways. Each of them is worth considering in more detail.
oral administration
Penis enlargement with soda is also done by taking the drug inside. To do this, prepare a solution of half a teaspoon of the product and a glass of milk. The resulting remedy is taken daily for one month.
Soda improves blood circulation, which helps to enlarge the penis. The product also has a positive effect on sperm quality and sperm viability.
The soda solution helps not only to increase male dignity, but also to cleanse the body, prevent the formation of malignant tumors, normalize metabolism and lose excess weight.
The intestines are the most important organ of digestion. In case of problems in its activity, the blood supply to the genitals is disrupted. Therefore, it is believed that by cleansing the intestines you can achieve better results in penis enlargement.
For cleaning microenemas are made with a solution of soda. Prepare as follows: a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate is poured with a liter of warm water, pre-boiled. Enemas are done once a day. The course of therapy is 30 days.
Baths with alkalis
Another way to enlarge the penis with baking soda is alkaline baths. To do this, 500 g of soda product is dissolved in 3 liters of water, then added to the bath. The water temperature should be comfortable for the body. It is recommended to bathe for no more than half an hour, and finally use a contrast shower.
Soda baths help to make manhood thicker and longer. In addition, this method allows you to prevent inflammation of the prostate gland and genitals, rid the body of harmful substances.

After the bath you should take a contrast shower to restore normal blood circulation.
You can also prepare concentrated baths in which you just have to sit.
In this case, the content of soda to increase the male organ will be higher, so it is important not to damage the skin of the penis. Otherwise there will be an unpleasant burning sensation.
Soda compresses are a good option for penis enlargement. To do this, mix 10 tablespoons of the product with one liter of hot water. Then they take a strip of natural tissue, dip it in the solution and wrap it around the penis.
Leave the compress on for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
It is recommended to perform the procedure 3 times a day. Thanks to it, blood flow quickly increases, which leads to lengthening and thickening of the male penis.
Penis enlargement with baking soda is also done through massage. The procedure improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes. All this has a beneficial effect on improving the dimensions of male dignity.
The massage is performed as follows:
- The skin of the penis is preheated. To do this, you can use a towel soaked in hot water.
- Wet your hands a little and pour a little soda on them.
- Light rubbing movements massage the reproductive organ, moving from the base to the frenulum.
- After the procedure, the soda product is washed with warm water.
The massage is recommended the night before bed. After the procedure you should lie down for a while, let the body relax. The frequency of the massage is 2 times a week.
A special scrub is prepared with soda to enlarge the penis. For this purpose, a mixture of water and food is made in a ratio of 1: 1. The result should be a porridge. To enhance the effect, a small spoonful of liquid honey and a few drops of essential oil are added to this mass, which can stimulate blood circulation.
The water in this recipe can be completely replaced with vegetable oils. But just don't use a sunflower product. Thanks to them, in addition to enlarging the penis, it will be possible to improve the condition of the skin, accelerate tissue healing and prevent the development of inflammation.
To enlarge the penis, you need to apply a scrub on its surface with a thin, even layer and rub in a circular motion. It is recommended to perform the procedure no more than 3 times a week.
Preparatory activities
Like any physical activity, resizing with exercise requires considerable preparation. These actions should be performed before any penis enlargement training. This solution will not only contribute to high efficiency, but will also increase the ability of internal elements to withstand high loads and all kinds of bending, twisting and high pressure.
Preparation begins with a shower or bath, and it is important to use antibacterial agents. This is due to the fact that during some procedures a slight damage to the skin is possible, it may even be invisible, but for microbes it is a free way to enter the body. Then wipe with a towel. The inguinal area, namely the penis, should be well warmed. You can use a hot compress or just dip your penis in warm water. This will help to relax the internal elements so that they are better amenable to adjustment. It is important to take care of the right place for gymnastics, it should be protected from prying eyes, because not everyone will understand such actions. Some exercises require lying down, so you need to pick up a mat, you can buy a special mat for fitness.

After all the preparatory measures you can continue to the exercises themselves, without fear of complications and damage to the body. However, abrupt and reckless actions must be abandoned immediately.
4. Train the Kegel pubocigeal muscle
This is the same muscle that can stop the flow of fluid when walking a short distance.
In addition, during an erection, this muscle helps our friend to jump.
It is directly related to the following factors:
- endurance in bed;
- improving blood flow to the desired organs;
- achieving the required level of testosterone;
- increased sensation during intimacy.
How to use soda to increase the male organ
You can learn how to properly use the penis enlargement substance not only from publications, but also from reviews of men who have applied this technique in practice.
Penis enlargement with sodium bicarbonate is an effective measure, although it temporarily solves the problem. Soda is not able to correct congenital pathology, but allows you to enhance erections during intercourse.
Many members of the stronger sex, after reading or hearing about the effect of soda on the size of the penis, wonder - how to increase the penis with soda, what recipes exist and is it possible?

Sodium bicarbonate has recently become a popular method of changing the size of a man. The substance is used inside, for baths and lotions included in massage treatments. The effect after soda therapy does not occur immediately. The initial results are recorded after regular use, after a few months. According to experts, the indicators after the use of soda are not bad, faster change in the size of the body is possible only through plastic surgery.
Useful properties of soda
Baking soda contains bicarbonate anion and sodium cation. The combination of these substances, when it enters the human body, has a positive effect. After taking soda inside, for a few minutes, the acid-base balance is normalized, which leads to:
- blood pressure stabilizes;
- existing swelling is reduced as soda acts on the kidneys and removes harmful acids;
- the degree of oxygen uptake through the tissue envelope increases;
- energy and biological processes are restored at the cellular level;
- hemodynamics are normalized.
Soda helps with:
- bronchitis;
- heartburn;
- fungal infections;
- burns, especially heartburn;
- problems with the skin of the face and hair, with plaque
- obesity. Baths with soda tighten the body, removing excess weight.
Under the influence of soda, due to the healing processes in the body after ingestion: improves general well-being and psychological state, ie increases appetite, mood and efficiency.
Impact on male dignity
The usual baking soda is used to enlarge the penis, but it is used inside and out.
The positive effects of the product on the male genitalia are as follows:
- Elimination of harmful microorganisms from the penis - recommended for use in case of infectious disease requiring antiseptic treatment.
- Soda stimulates testosterone production, has a positive effect on sex life.
- Promotes the removal of toxins and toxins - helps produce hormones.
- With the help of soda they get rid of the initial stage of prostatitis, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The male body has its own distinctive features. Men's health problems should be addressed immediately. Psychological factors play an important role in the quality of sexual life in men. If women are free to discuss some issues with each other, such as how someone fights thrush, then it is not common to discuss such topics among men.
Given that an integrated approach to the treatment of men's health is needed, it is always necessary to start with a visit to specialists.

Only then is it possible to engage in treatment with a folk method - the use of baking soda.
Why are penis exercises so effective?
Penis enlargement exercises can be found in almost every culture in the world due to their ease of performance and high level of effectiveness. Most of them are aimed at stretching the tissues and regulating blood flow, because these are the most important principles of erection. Exercises should start smoothly, in the first stages 15 minutes a day will be enough, this will allow the structural elements of the penis to get used to such manipulations. Gradually the time can increase to 30 minutes, experts recommend doing gymnastics to enlarge the penis immediately after waking up in the morning or just before bedtime.

Gymnastics and similar exercises have a number of advantages, which is why millions of men choose this method to lengthen their reproductive organs. They include:
- regulation of the circulatory system;
- stretching the penis;
- exercise stimulates the production of sex hormone - testosterone, which has a positive effect on potency and this will significantly improve sex life;
- systematic manipulations allow to detect weaknesses in the male body, which can be eliminated after some time;
- physical activity increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, including the corpora cavernosa of the penis;
- the production of androgenic hormones and adrenaline, which contributes to the normalization of the nervous system, so you can quickly cope with stress and depression;
- filling the trunk with blood, which contributes to its increase;
- elimination of congestion;
- a positive effect is achieved after 3 months;
- minimum number of side effects;
- after training muscle tone increases and mood improves;
- if all the rules are followed, there are no complications.
Surgical penis enlargement
Phalloplasty is performed in special clinics under local anesthesia and can be aimed at both increasing the length of the penis and thickening it. The advantages of this method are obvious - the penis will increase once and for all. Surgery allows you to lengthen the penis up to 4 cm. But there will be a scar on the body of the penis, which in most cases is difficult to miss.
The essence of the operation to lengthen the penis is to cut the supporting muscle of the organ located at its base and move it a little lower. The result of the lengthening depends on how many centimeters the supporting muscle is "moved". The fact that the operation was postponed will speak not only of the scar, but also of the more horizontal position of the erect organ. Penis enlargement surgery is anemicand lasts no more than 40 minutes.
Phalloplasty, aimed at thickening the penis, consists of removing adipose tissue from the buttocks and thighs of men and inserting it under the skin of the penis. The volume of adipose tissue transplanted into the body of the penis can reach 200 ml, it all depends on the desired result and the professionalism of the surgeon. The fat is distributed across the width of the penis for several days, during which a special bandage is applied to the body. Unlike penile lengthening surgery, which is performed once and the results last a lifetime, volumetric phalloplasty does not provide a long-term guarantee and in some cases lasts only 1 or 2 years.
How to enlarge the penis with soda
The main method that is actively used is the rubbing of soda in the male genitalia. You must first prepare the sensitive organ for this procedure. To do this, it is brewed, for example, when bathing or showering.

The scrotum is also enlarged, but it is not necessary to undergo the soda treatment procedure.
There are several ways to rub the composition into the penis:
- Massage with vegetable oil. The male organ (upright or at rest) is lubricated along its entire length with a thin layer of heated vegetable oil. Soda is applied to the formed film, which should be rubbed into the penis with gentle movements. It is performed not until all the components of the massage are dry, but approximately 4-6 minutes. That will be enough.
- Massage with honey. This method will not only increase the size of manhood, but also significantly increase its sensitivity. Unlike the first method, here you need to pre-mix the ingredients for the massage, ie soda and natural honey, in equal proportions. The resulting mass is applied to the entire surface of the penis and rubbed with light massage movements.
- Baths are a very effective and simple way. You need to take a glass of boiled, but only slightly warm water and dilute it with a teaspoon of soda. The penis is then lowered into the resulting solution. Nothing more needs to be done. It is recommended to bathe for an hour, no more than once a day.
- Exfoliants - if you rub the penis with the composition after wetting it with warm water, the result will be very good. According to some reviews, for two or three months of persistent use of this substance as an exfoliant, the length of the penis can increase by even a few centimeters. The essence of the procedure lies in the fact that it stimulates blood flow to the male genitalia.
There are several ways to enlarge the penis with baking soda. However, before proceeding with any procedure, it is recommended that you consult a qualified professional.
Massage with soda

This procedure is the most popular, but in order to achieve a positive effect, it must be performed correctly and systematically. Before proceeding directly to the massage, you need to prepare the penis. To do this, you need to take a soft towel, soak it in lukewarm water and then wrap it around the penis. After a few minutes the procedure is repeated, and so 3-4 times.
You can choose any exercise, but it is worth bearing in mind that their goal should be to increase the penis. During the break between exercises it is mandatory to normalize blood circulation in the body, so it should be massaged with light movements. Sodium bicarbonate is recommended for this relaxing massage. To do this, you need to collect a little soda in the palm of your hand and then make light rubbing movements. After the massage it takes 15-20 minutes. lie down, relax as much as possible.
Soda compresses
This method is also widely used by men to enlarge the penis. To make a sodium bicarbonate solution suitable for a compress, you need to pour 100 mg of lukewarm water into a container and pour 1 or 2 tablespoons of the substance into it. Everything mixes well. Then you need to take such a piece of gauze so that they can completely wrap the entire penis. Wet in the resulting mixture and wrap around the genitals. Remove the compress after a few minutes.
Such compresses should be done every day for 30 days. If the procedures are performed irregularly, then they will not make sense. If desired, a few drops of aromatic oil can be poured into the mixture, and male fragrances (cypress, cardamom, etc. ) should be used. This will allow the man to relieve stress.
Ingestion of soda

It is recommended to take sodium bicarbonate orally at the same time as exercises aimed at lengthening the penis. It is able to dilute the blood. Therefore, the blood supply to the penis will increase, which will positively affect the outcome of exercise.
Drinking soda solution is recommended every morning on an empty stomach. To prepare it, you need to take 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and 200 ml of lukewarm water. However, it is recommended that you start taking soda from the third part on a small spoon. The amount of substance should then be gradually increased.
Massage with baking soda and oil
To perform this procedure, you will need to cover the genitals with any vegetable oil. Sodium bicarbonate should then be applied along the entire length of the organ. Then you need to massage the entire length of the penis, performing light rubbing movements. You should not press hard, because this can hurt the delicate skin. The massage should be performed for 3-5 minutes.
soda bath
To make such a bath, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of water and sodium bicarbonate (1 tablespoon of the substance is taken for 1 liter of water). The water temperature should be between 38-41 degrees. The duration of the bath is about 15 minutes.
Useful properties of soda
The main ones include:
- anti-inflammatory effect (helps treat prostatitis);
- antimicrobial (kills microorganisms that cause inflammation in prostate tissue);
- immunostimulating property (increases the body's resistance);
- antitumor (alkaline solutions contribute to the destruction of tumor cells);
- stimulation of metabolism (promotes the release of metabolic products);
- improves blood supply and pelvic circulation (eliminates erectile dysfunction).
Measuring the length of the penis in a normal state (without erection)
I recommend measuring the length of an unexcited penis as follows:
- Stand up straight and take the rooster in your hand in front of you. (Do not stretch it, otherwise it will distort the measurement result).
- With your free hand, take a measuring tape or ruler and measure the length of your friend.
- Write the result on a piece of paper.
Instructions for use
Before starting the application of the method, it is mandatory to conduct a sensitivity test. On a small area of the skin of the penis you need to apply a slurry of soda. If after 25 minutes there is no burning or redness, you can continue with the procedure.
The most effective and popular way to enlarge the penis with soda is massage. For good results, the procedure should be performed correctly, regularly and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
The massage is performed very carefully, as the skin of the penis is quite thin and sensitive, and rough movements and strong friction can damage the skin of the body.
2 packs of soda are dissolved in several liters of water and the concentrated solution is added to a bath of water. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes. Then you need to take a contrast shower to restore normal blood circulation. Alkaline bath will increase the penis and improve overall health, because under the influence of soda enhances the metabolic process in the cells of the dermis, eliminates inflammatory foci of the genitals and prevents the development of prostatitis and malignant pathologies.
Taking an alkaline bath can be replaced with mini baths. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. soda and lower the penis there for no more than 15 minutes.
Dissolve 3 tsp in 200 ml of water. Carbonated drinks. The resulting solution is moistened with gauze and attached to the body. The procedure should last no more than 15 minutes. A drop of essential oil can be added to the aqueous solution to increase effectiveness.
Ingestion of soda
The combination of massage, compresses or baths with the use of soda inside helps to achieve the highest efficiency. According to the instructions, soda should be drunk twice a day. You should start with a minimum dose of 1⁄4 teaspoon, gradually increasing the amount to 1 tbsp.
Preparation for penis enlargement with soda
Understanding whether carbonated gas can increase the size of the penis, you need to explore the different ways to use the product:
- Apply olive oil on the surface of the penis - it completely softens the delicate skin. Then comes the use of soda. It should be applied with light massaging movements. The manipulation should last a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly with soda and water and lubricate the penis with a moisturizer that helps prevent irritation.
- Does baking soda make your penis bigger when you steam it in a bathtub? Yes, it is an effective way to increase dignity immediately. How to use soda in this version? Dilute 1 tablespoon of substances in warm water (1 liter of liquid is enough). Place the reproductive organ in the bath for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, wash off the remnants of the composition, apply a moisturizer.
- As a means of enlarging the penis, the use of soda with honey is recommended, and the products are mixed in equal proportions. Apply the ointment on the genitals, wait a few minutes, then massage the penis with your hands. Such a recipe, in addition to increasing the size, increases the sensitivity of the head of the body, which is useful before sexual intercourse to enhance the sensations.
Many articles have been written about how soda affects masculinity. Soda compresses are a proven option for penis enlargement. Prepare a strong solution (1 tablespoon per cup of slightly warm water). Dip gauze into it, then wrap the penis with a towel, wait five minutes. Using this technique, you are guaranteed to increase the size of the genitals!
While in the bathroom, perform gentle stretching movements of the penis. To do this, grasp the organ with two fingers moving towards the head. Indispensable condition: no pain, burning or other discomfort. If this condition occurs, stop the procedure. The method of stretching the penis in the bathroom is an excellent option to ensure the proper functioning of the vessels.